Sunday, July 7, 2013

How To Eat Abroad (Taiwan Part 1)

          So I have a lot of food posts, since all I really do is eat. I can't get all of this amazing food in San Diego!!! Since the food posts outnumber the sight seeing posts, I'll have to post them more often.

          My dad is a rather paranoid man, so he refused to let me go out on my own without a cell phone. So after nearly three weeks of just going to the office and eating nearby the office's dorm and office, my father insisting on giving me his back up sim card and phone (which took weeks and weeks to unlock), I was finally free! I contacted my friend, Minty, whom I'd met at my small, partial family reunion organized by my uncle. He had invited his friends and one of them brought their daughter to sit at the 'kids' table (though we're all adults now... it's probably better to refer to it as the 3rd generation table). She heard I was staying in Taiwan a few months and offered to take me out. She met me at the nearest MRT station.

(Foreigner hatersss!!) Haha, this ad purposely uses a foreigner to display that you cannot bring food on to their subway system.

Minty brought me to a lovely German cafe called Flugel. It was really close to the Taipower building and the Taipower building MRT station. They're most famous for their warm and cold cakes, as well as a wide selection of teas and wines.

Look at how quaint this shop is! Hi, Minty!!

Cool looking table. I'd love to study at a place like this in San Diego.

This was Minty's cake. It was warmed and it tasted like a really good traditional coffee cake.

I forgot the name of my cake, but it had a yogurt based top with lots of mangoes. The whole thing in combination was really tasty. I really enjoyed this!! Minty says her favorite flavor of this cake has berries in it. She said that berries were rare in Taiwan, so she preferred that flavor. From my perspective, mangoes are rare in america, so I opted for the mango flavor. I intend to try the berry one next time ^___^

My pot of earl grey tea in a completely see through tea pot! I loved it. It totally reminded me of this dim sum place I frequented as a child. All of the teapots looked like this except it could serve way more people.

Information for Flugel can be found at the end of the post :D.

8% Ice

Minty then took me to a gelato place called 8% Ice. We were so full, so we struggled to finish our gelatos, but they had a lot of unique flavors! Minty said her favorite was the matcha flavor, so I got that one.

Here's Minty with the mango flavor and my matcha flavored gelato. It wasn't mind numbingly sweet, which I sometimes dislike about American sweets, and I could really taste the authentic frothiness from the matcha.

Some cool chairs in the gelato shop.

The Cafe was called FLÜGEL
台北市 羅斯福路三段269巷21號1樓, Taiwan

The Gelato place was called 8% Ice. 冰淇淋專門店
台北市大安區永康街1361, Taipei, Taiwan 10651

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Happy Dining!!

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