Wednesday, July 3, 2013

SAN -> SFO -> TPE -> SIN

     So day 1 of travling was really hectic. I had two finals, had to pack everything, and had to get my car maintained before flying up to the first destination, San Francisco. I stuffed a bunch of clean clothes in a suitcase and folded it in the waiting area while waiting for my car. Some lady passed by, jokingly acting shocked as I folded my underwear. I smiled politely, but inside I was making sassy remarks about how she should've been minding her own business. My dear friend, whom we'll call Kashmir, came with me to keep me company, unabashed. Anyway, after all that insanity and getting to the airport, I finally had a moment to myself, so I took a picture of my boarding pass.


       The plan was to meet my sister (who endearingly calls me seastar) at the San Francisco airport. She was settling house matters and there was nobody to take her to the airport. It was pretty late so she didn't want to bother people, and her boyfriend was already in Japan, preparing to meet us in Singapore after we arrived. She sounded really stressed, and I felt bad because on top of all of that, I asked her to bring some stuff I had ordered online last minute for the trip. I accidentally shipped it to the Bay Area instead of SoCal. Sorry, Seastar!! Anyway, to make sure that we could sit together, I waited for her at the check-in area and reorganized my suitcases.

       My sister finally arrived, bringing an adorable, large hard-shelled hello kitty suitcase in a pastel pink. It was very cute. Seastar also brought these really awesome looking over-the-ear headphones that her and her boyfriend got on discount. The ear padding was super squishy. It made me wish I had brought headphones. My last really good pair broke, and a really good friend gave me a new pair, but I was trying to pack lightly.

       We flew to Taiwan, and I struggled to get wifi on my chrome book. There was an adorable hello kitty store, and we ventured off to try to find the Hello Kitty Terminal. We found the plane, but we were in the arrival area. We would've had to go through security first if we wanted to see the heavily decorated departure gate. Seastar, already tired from running around the entire airport, wanted to get to the gate and take a break, so we gave up.

       We ended up finding this really cool prayer area near our gate (which they changed last minute) that had prayer rooms catering to different faiths. It had these really nice lounging chairs and sculptures. We were relaxing and I figured out how to get  netflix to work abroad when these non-asian people came to the area. They occupied some massage chairs that you had to pay for. One had even unplugged it to charge her iphone. I'm pretty sure one of the two actions had set off an alarm, so sadly, we left the nice area.

       After passing through high-class shopping (I had never even seen a Hermes before) Seastar and I finally made it to our gate and then flew off to Singapore. There, we met our parents, who had flown from Taiwan on an earlier flight. From there, our adventures began!
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