Monday, July 22, 2013

Famonn Coffee (and I'm back from Korea!)

Sorry for the long delay. It's my first day of rest since coming back from Korea (visiting Icecream) and Blion's visit to Taiwan. (Blion is my bfffl, best f**in' friend for life, ala Pineapple Express. I make jokes that I'll be an old maid, living in his guestroom, and creep out his future children as creepy auntie supernoob.) It was a rather low key day, and I was eager to blog again. So I'll start off lightly. 

I really miss the taste of coffee, and I was really craving sweets. I hadn't really had much coffee in Asia since usually coffee is rather western, and I normally avoid western stuff to get as much Asian food as I can. Since I wasn't doing much today, I decided to try a coffee shop I often spotted while getting Taiwanese breakfast. I was unmotivated to leave the apartment at first, but eventually somebody motivated me to do it. 

I absolutely love the color scheme. This blue and mint are my absolute favorite colors at the moment. 
The shop lady was super nice, and caught on very quickly that Chinese wasn't my first language, so she tried her best to speak in English to me.

The inside is adorably decorated.

Cute trinkets and macarons in the shop

I ordered a lovely mango roll cake and a mocha blended beverage. The store's color scheme totally matched my new purse from Korea :D. 

The mango cake was soooo good. It was a soft, textured sponge. It was perfectly spongey and didn't fall apart after little handling. It was dense enough to be a good weight, but not so dense that it left you feeling heavy after eating the whole thing. The mousse was also divine. Usually I hate some mousse(s?) as the processed sugar taste usually leaves me gagging after particularly heavy sweets, but this one totally didn't do that. 

The mocha blended drink was great. Usually I try to avoid these kinds of drinks, as it isn't really the proper way to enjoy an espresso drink/any coffee at all. However, this had a great balance of taste and sweetness (though the coffee was really light in this drink). Whenever I finish a Starbucks frappuccino, there is usually a thick layer of milk fat, shame, and regret left on my tongue. It discourages me from purchasing it often (thankfully). This drink totally doesn't do that! The best part was the whip cream. At most places, the whip cream doesn't stand up for very long, as it is often reduced in fat or filled with fillers, but this one was dense and delicious. They added either liqueur or flavoring that made this whip cream extra delicious. Again, the nasty processed sugar aftermath/regret didn't happen with this delicious drink. 

Unfortunately, the shop lacked dedicated, free wifi, so after reading a chapter of Sherlock Holmes on my phone, I left in search of something else to occupy my mind. 

More to come!

Famonn Coffee

Taipei, Taiwan JingZhou St. No. 419 1st floor. 

If Famonn Coffee has a website, please tell me so that I may post it here!

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