Monday, July 8, 2013

Gardens By The Bay Singapore (Part 2 Electric Boogaloo)

So Picasa wouldn't upload all the pics for some reason (and failed to post most of the pictures after publishing this blog!!!), so here's part II of my pictures from Gardens By The Bay. Part I can be found here.

Quote new cousin: "That flower is really symmetrical"


Me posing in an attempt to be funny. My favorite math/science teacher in 6th grade posed similarly for yearbook pictures. That year we had to pose seductively against a fake tree. I copied his hilarious pose of looking out from behind the tree.

Seastar posing with palm trees


Yellow and Pink

Another Angle

Seastar and I have a joke when we're trying to be obnoxious where we fluff imaginary bobbed hair.

I have no idea what they're called.

Southeast Asia is known for Kingfisher birds. This sculputre was so cute, poking its head out of the foliage.

More flowers.

I got really excited for this chair because it totally reminded me of the throne from Game of Thrones

Seastar and Future-Brother-In-Law


A rose.

Seastar and Future-Brother-In-Law, with his and her bikes. They're doing the debutante slouch, a very famous modeling pose.

Lilies and daisies.

Hahaha, my dad riding a lion (I am the Lion, here me roar!)

Another shot outside the dome.

Unfortunately, because of uncontrolled fires in neighboring countries, Singapore is currently in a haze, so the park is closed. They even posted an adorable picture about it, since the park is closed until the air quality improves.

Gardens By The Bay: 18 Marina Gardens Drive Singapore 018953.  Tel:+65 6420 6848

Read Part 1 here

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