Sunday, July 7, 2013

How to Eat Abroad (Singapore part 1)

          I got the opportunity to go to Singapore because one of my favorite cousins was getting married! She lived with us for a short period of time, and I probably annoyed the hell out of her. I have very fond memories with her, however, and wouldn't have missed her wedding for the world. 

          Singapore was incredibly hot and humid. I couldn't stand it, especially after being spoiled by San Diego weather for quite some time now. Also, I never thought I'd be jealous of an entire country, so fluent in both Mandarin and English. Some people we encountered on the street had thick accents, but for the most part, everybody was essentially perfectly bilingual. 

           So this is my hotel room at Darby Park. It was quite comfortable, close to Orchard Road, and the bathroom was spacious.  The place also came with a full kitchen and rice cooker (it then hit me that I was finally in Asia). Unfortunately they don't do double twin beds, so Future-Brother-In-Law was too uncomfortable with staying with our uncle as originally planned and ended up sleeping on the couch in the living room. Four people to one restroom is ok, but five is too many. It was also weirdly placed, as there were two doors to the bathroom. We had a few unfortunate instances of walking in on each other -__-;;

This was a yummy fruit basket that my aunt sent to us. 

Some bread we bought at an underground mall on Orchard Road. The eggtarts were very creamy and delicious!

An adorable matcha flavored turtle bread. It reminded me of San Francisco sourdough and how Boudin will often make animal shapes out of their breads. 

Regular loafs of bread that smelled absolutely heavenly.
HardRock Cafe, Singapore. I took this because when we traveled to Australia in Highschool, our band teacher would include the HardRock Cafe and get herself a tshirt.

This was taken at the ION mall on Orchard Road. Their food court had food from all over the world! We got several dishes and ate them. This was a beef tomato based curry and a chicken rice biryani. The best part about this mall's food court however was...

A Dim sum cart lady!! She came around, selling dim sum to you while you sat at your table. Near the Indian food was a sink so that you could eat your curry with your hands. Totally awesome!!!! I love dim sum, so I was very excited to see this. 

Finally, these were taken at a local convenience store. I'd never seen a gravy dispenser, and I would love it if I could conveniently buy meat buns wherever I went. 

Overall, the food in Singapore was really good. 

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