Monday, July 22, 2013

Kavalan Whisky Distillery

So while we were traveling around Yilan, Taiwan, my dad's driver suggested that we go checkout the Kavalan Distillery. Apparently the company that owns Kavalan also owns Mr. Brown coffee.

Kavalan's most popular product is a Single Malt Whisky. Future-brother-in-law taught me about the differences between single malt and blended whiskies. Single malt is apparently only made with one type of grain. Because of that, quality control is much more difficult since different barrels end up with different qualities which can effect taste. Blended whiskies are made with multiple grains, and mixing them will produce a more consistent flavor. This style is used in popular brands, such as Johnnie Walker (my personal favorite). Of the many whiskies, I've currently tried Johnnie Walker's Black, Double Black, Blue, and Platinum Labels, as well as Chivas Regal (the lower end) and Kavalan!

Unfortunately, most of the pictures are on Seastar's camera. I'll see if I can grab some from her later. Instead here is some of the pictures I managed to take.

This was the reception hall of some rooms where they showed films for the official tours. We decided to skip them to eat lunch.

Kavalan provided free Whisky tastings. I enjoyed it. You can see my camera bag and the charm my grandma gave me. We broke away from the parental units to get a sip. My mom absolutely hates the idea of us drinking at all. We're all of age and responsible, Ma!

Mr. Brown Coffee served lunch on the property. They also served whisky coffee (which, if I'm not mistaken, is referred to as Irish-coffee, but since this whisky is made in Taiwan, I don't think I can call it that). This is some yummy chocolate cake my mom and I shared.

Cool pictures of the progression of whisky after aging.

The grid goes by age and by additives.

Some whisky barrels in the main lobby

Outside the Distillery. 

I also took pics of the aging room, but it was so dark, so the pictures turned out like crap. The viewing area smelled so strongly of whisky. In fact, just outside the touring area, it smelled super strong of alcohol. It was an interesting experience.

King Car Kavalan Whisky Distillery:
No.326, Sec.2, Yuanshan Rd. Yuansha, Yi-lan, Taiwan

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